'.$scrpt_vrsn_dt.PHP_EOL; # # ------------check if script is already running $string = str_replace('.php','',basename(__FILE__)); if (isset ($$string) ) {echo 'This info is already displayed'; return;} $$string = $string; # # -------------load weatherdata and all settings $scrpt = 'PWS_livedata.php'; $stck_lst .= basename(__FILE__).' ('.__LINE__.') include_once =>'.$scrpt.PHP_EOL; include_once $scrpt; #----------------------------------------------- # script settings #----------------------------------------------- # none # ----------------- load general Aeris code $scrpt = 'fct_yrno_shared.php'; $stck_lst .= basename(__FILE__).' ('.__LINE__.') include_once =>'.$scrpt.PHP_EOL; $return = include_once $scrpt; # if ($return == false) {echo ''.PHP_EOL; $stck_lst=''; return false;} # if ( (3600 + $yrno_fct_time) < time() ) { $online_txt = ' '.$online.lang('Offline').' '; } else { $online_txt = ' ' .$online.set_my_time_lng($yrno_fct_time,true).' ' ;} echo '
'.PHP_EOL; # echo '
'.PHP_EOL; $cols = 5; // number of day-parts to use, default 5. Lower if truncation of day-names occur # 2021-12-31 $rw_cntnt = array ('unix','symbol_code','air_temperature','wind_speed','wind_from_direction','precipitation_amount'); $rows = count($rw_cntnt); $wunit = ''.lang($windunit).''; $color = $clrwrm = "#FF7C39"; $clrcld = "#01A4B4"; $norain = '-'; # $rain = false; # die ('fct_yrno_block '.__LINE__); $dayp_txts = array ( lang('Night'), lang('Morning') ,lang('Afternoon'),lang( 'Evening')); # echo ''; #### 2022-07-22 #if (!array_key_exists('symbol_code',$frct_mtn_dp[0]) || trim($frct_mtn_dp[0]['symbol_code']) == '') # { array_shift ( $frct_mtn_dp ); # echo ''; } #### 2022-07-22 for ($n = 0; $n < $rows; $n++) { $one_tr = ''.PHP_EOL; $item = $rw_cntnt[$n]; for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++) { $one_tr .= ''.PHP_EOL; } // eo cols $one_tr.= ''.PHP_EOL; if ($item == 'precipitation_amount' && $rain === false) { $one_tr = ''; } echo $one_tr; } // eo rows echo '
'.PHP_EOL; $arr = $frct_mtn_dp[$i]; #echo ''; $tm_strt = $arr['unix']; $hr_start = date('H',$tm_strt); $hr_end = date('H',$tm_strt + 6*3600); $result = (int) ($hr_start / 6); if ( $result == 0 || $result == 3 ) { $colorx = $clrcld;} else { $colorx = $clrwrm;} $text = $dayp_txts[$result]; $content= $arr[$item]; switch ($item){ case 'unix': $wday = lang(date('l',$arr['unix']- 6*3600)).'
'.$text; $one_tr.= ''.$wday.''; break; case 'symbol_code': $content= str_replace ('polartwilight','day',$content); $icon = $icn_prefix.$mtn_icons[$content]['svg'].$icn_post; $text = $mtn_icons[$content]['txt']; $one_tr.= ''.$text.' '; break; case 'air_temperature': $max = round(convert_temp ($arr['air_temperature_max'], 'c', $tempunit)); $min = round(convert_temp ($arr['air_temperature_min'], 'c', $tempunit)); $one_tr.= ''.$min; $one_tr.= ' - '.$max.'°'; break; case 'wind_speed': $amount = (float) $content; if ($amount == 0) { $one_tr.= $norain; } else { $amount = convert_speed ($amount, 'm/s', $windunit); $spd_knts = round ($amount*$toKnots , 1); $one_tr.= $amount.' '.lang($windunit).'';} break; case 'wind_from_direction': $compass= windlabel ($content); # 2021-12-08 $one_tr.= ''.$content.' '; $one_tr.= lang($compass); break; case 'precipitation_amount': $amount = (float) $content; if ($amount == 0) { $one_tr.= $norain; } else { $rain = true; $amount = convert_precip ($amount, 'mm', $rainunit); $one_tr.= $amount.' '.lang($rainunit).'';} break; default: $one_tr.= $n.'-'.$i.'-'.$item; } // eo switch $one_tr.='
'.PHP_EOL; if (isset ($_REQUEST['test']) ) { echo ''.PHP_EOL; $stck_lst='';} #