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Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index
Tonight 11 Showers / Wind
Winds could occasionally gust over 65 km/h.
2.29mm 62% 43 km/h NNW NNW -
Tomorrow 11 Showers / Wind
Winds could occasionally gust over 65 km/h.
1.88mm 58% 39 km/h NNW NNW
Tomorrow night 45 Showers / Wind Late
Winds could occasionally gust over 65 km/h.
0.69mm 40% 35 km/h N N -
Sunday 30 Partly Cloudy
Cooler at the coast.
11° 23% 28 km/h NE NE
Sunday night 33 Mostly Clear
Cooler at the coast.
12% 25 km/h NNE NNE -
Monday 30 Partly Cloudy
Cooler at the coast.
10° 7% 19 km/h NNE NNE
Monday night 45 Showers Late
Cooler at the coast.
0.8mm 34% 16 km/h NE NE -
Tuesday 39 AM Showers
Cooler at the coast.
10° 0.4mm 32% 18 km/h NE NE
Tuesday night 45 Showers Late
Cooler at the coast.
0.4mm 34% 18 km/h NW NW -
Wednesday 39 AM Showers
10° 0.3mm 31% 24 km/h NNW NNW
Wednesday night 45 Showers Late 0.3mm 34% 21 km/h NW NW -